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Showing posts from August, 2021

My Australian Story and Why I Love Oz

Chapter 1.  My Australian Story 🐠 How do I start this?  🍫  Australia was a sweet warm dream from the childhood years of mine.  And it all started from "Finding Nemo".  Yeap! Most of my friends know how this "down under" love story goes, but i would still like to write this one down.   I remember being a 12 or 13 year old kid in post-Soviet era Azerbaijan when amazing "Finding Nemo" came out in early 2000s.  Me, my 7 year old brother Vüsal and mom were getting ready to watch this animation. I loved drawing and just like every other kid who was familiar with this film, i also wanted to draw Nemo, so I had told myself that I had to engrave his image to my memory so clearly that i could draw it well when I returned home. At that time we did not have internet to look up the pics or mobile phones to take pictures, and no, taking photo cameras to cinemas was both lame and illegal. Especially my mom's cheap bulky archaic unbranded camera she bought from some